04 of the Pinole Municipal Code has been amended as approved by Council on July 5, 2022. Project Manager City Hall, 2131 Pear Street Pinole, California 94564The City of Pinole has adopted standard plans and specifications issued by Contra Costa County and Caltrans. The IVM uses mechanical, biological, and chemical activities to manage vegetation throughout the City. Adoption Services Contra Costa County Adoption Services 2530 Arnold Drive, Suite 300, Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 335-7040. Capital Projects. , PROHIBITED. Questions/Concerns: Contact Public Works Staff at 510-741-2065. Complaints may be submitted to: Misha Kaur. us. ca. Pinole is a diverse community of approximately 20,000 residents situated in West Contra Costa County on the east side of San Francisco Bay. Contact Information. The CAAP will aim to reduce GHG emissions at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, as established by Senate Bill 32, and strive. Republic Services provides both residential and commercial collection services for recycling and trash for the City of Pinole as well as the rest Contra Costa County. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. Agendas and Minutes; 2020-2025 Strategic Plan; Elections Information; Council Teambuilding WorkshopsCity: Pinole Post Code: 94564 Salary and Benefits: $167,007-202,999 (Min/Max) Post Date: 06/02/2021 : The City of Pinole is recruiting for a Public Works Director. Contact Information. An encroachment permit is required for any work performed in the public right of way, as specified in Chapter 12 of the Pinole Municipal Code . Prepare Project Report. 08. One car per household. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. The City expects the Pinole Valley Road corridor to be significantly visually improved as a result of the undergrounding. The City of Pinole plans to replace the existing San Pablo Avenue Bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad track just north of downtown. Public Works Manager, City of Lafayette Pinole, California, United States. Contact Information. This protects the wastewater treatment plant as well as water quality in San Pablo Bay. The department is responsible for designing and managing the city s infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, drains and traffic signals. Pinole is a Bay front community. Report non-working street lights to the Public Works Department at (510) 724-9010 or email us at [email protected]. If you sell tangible property in California, you must apply for a Seller's Permit. KEEPING PINOLE CREEK CLEAN. Fax: (510) 622-4175. Contact Information. Fax: Pinole, CA 94564. Trash as defined in the California. Capital Improvement Plan FY 2019/20 - 2023/24. Enterprise funds are governmental activities that provide specifically defined services and that are self-funded through user fees. Traffic Calming Policy. Title VI Coordinator. You can also learn more about composting laws and how to get a free compost pail on the City of Pinole's webpage: Recycling and Greenwaste . Contra Costa County standard plans are available electronically. The City of Pinole has a Sewer Lateral Program which requires the. Call Republic Service at 510-262-7100 to establish waste. ca. Para información en español, o para presentar una Queja de Discriminación del Título VI, sírvase llamar al (510) 724-9839 para asistencia. Public Works Specialist City of Pinole Dec 2022 - Present8 months Building Attendant City of San Pablo May 2022 - Present1 year 3 months Oversee proper use and rental of. Building and Fire Inspection are typically required prior to issuance of a business license. pinole. The work is scheduled to occur between January 2022 - Spring 2022. Many resources are available at. A Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance was adopted by the City of Pinole on November 20, 2012. Pinole Creek is a prominent feature of the City of Pinole. Phase II (1 year): Complete Geotechnical Design Report. Capital Improvement Plan FY 2021/22 - 2025/26. The Pinole Public Works, located in Pinole, CA, is responsible for maintaining and improving Pinole public infrastructure and public properties. Since then, it has had two major expansions and several modifications in order to meet the needs of these cities' growing populations. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. To assist the citizens of Pinole with flooding preparation, the City offers sandbags on a first come, first serve (self serve), while supply last. The Public Works Department is administered by the City of Pinole in California. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. You can. For removal of trees please review the application for removal of a protected tree. Capital Improvement and Environmental Program Manager 2131 Pear Street. Develop CEQA/NEPA Environmental Documents, technical studies and regulatory permits. A portion of these trees are pruned annually and immediate attention is given when the public's safety is an issue. It also provides residential and commercial trash collection and recycling. Citizens may obtain sand and sandbags at the rear. 22 centerline miles of streets, which are defined as 351 pavement sections. The Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed (FOPCW) is a community organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Pinole Creek Watershed and to improving the health of San Pablo Bay. Report Illegal Dumping immediately by contacting Public Works at (510) 724-9010. Public Works Department Phone: (510) 724-9010 FAX: (510) 724-4921 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) ENERGY CONSERVATION,. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. After hour emergencies should be reported to the Pinole Police Department (510) 724-1111. us for additional business license questions. County Health Department. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. areas compared to previous budgets, based on the vision, mission, and values of the City of Pinole Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025 (safe and resilient, financially stable, vibrant and beautiful, and high performance). Safety Improvements at Appian Way and Marlesta Rd. The City provides wastewater collection to approximately 19,000 inhabitants. The objective of the City of Pinole Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy is to improve the livability of our neighborhoods and to minimize adverse impacts of vehicular traffic on residential and pedestrian safety streets through a system of education, enforcement, and engineering. . The purpose of City of Pinole's ordinance (Sanitary Sewer Lateral Ordinance ) is (a) to provide for operation and maintenance of the City's sewer system in a reliable and serviceable condition; (b) to eliminate or minimize sanitary sewer overflows by. If you have any questions about storm drains or v-ditches, please call the Public Works Department at (510) 724-9010. Capital Improvement & Environmental Program Manager. Phone: 5107249839. Street sweeping takes place on odd months: January, March, May, July, September and November. Not a curbside collection. In most cases, we notify PG&E so they can replace or repair the street light. or call PW Staff at (510) 741-2065. The City uses StreetSaver, a pavement management software to assist in making cost effective decisions concerning the maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of. The Department of Public. Capital Improvement Plan FY 2023/24 - 2027/28. There are a number of sustainability initiatives throughout the county and City that address energy efficiency and renewable energy, water and air quality, recycling, and land use planning. Sales & Use/Seller's Permit. For more information, contact the Public Works Department at (510) 724-2065. Welcome to City of Pinole's application process! *Note to Applicants : Recruitments can close at any time so we encourage you to apply immediately. 050 PLACING SOLID WASTE ON STREETS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. The mission of the Pacifica Department of Public Works is: to provide maintenance and repair of the city's infrastructure in an efficient and cost-effective manner while providing a high level of customer service and a safe work environment for city employees; to maintain parks, play fields and medians throughout the city; to keep streets and. Pinole Public Works Department can be contacted via phone at (510) 724-9010 for. Call (510) 724-9008 or e-mail [email protected]. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. During high tides and heavy rainy seasons certain areas in the City may experience some flooding. The Pinole-Hercules Water Pollution Control Plant is located at the foot of Tennent Avenue in the City of Pinole. Capital Improvement Plan FY 2022/23 - 2026/27. Department Head's Name: Sanjay Mishra, Public Works Director. 2101 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Additional information including where to submit can be found on the here. 2120 Diamond Blvd, Suite 200, Concord, CA 94520. We are a full service city, providing police and fire services, public works maintenance, recreation. Please note that street sweeping will begin on the first full week of the sweep month. Pinole, CA 94564. Contra Costa County offers free public workshops and resources about composting through their Composting and Gardening Program. Phase III (2 years):The City of Pinole Public Works Department addresses vegetation management through an IVM or Integrated Vegetation Management process. Her personal interactions with others at the City of Pinole are friendly and cooperative, making collaborative efforts. According to Pinole Municipal Code Section 8. The Public Works Department oversees the maintenance of parks, vehicles and public buildings. It was originally built in 1955 as a primary treatment facility. These initiatives strive to improve the health, safety , and resiliency of the City of. Pollution Prevention & Pretreatment Program. ca. Tree removal. pinole. (800) 400-7115 or (510) 622-4100. Trash capture devices are tools for reducing the impacts of trash on water bodies. Pay all applicable inspection fees. The Public Works Department is responsible for improving and maintaining the public infrastructure and assets within the City. [email protected]. Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (“AB”) 1276 into law on. Project goes to bid. Public. Project Description: Installation of a traffic signal and traffic signage at the Appian Way and Marlesta Road instersection. City of Pinole Public Works: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 7am-11am: Pinole Valley Park, 3790 Pinole Valley Rd: Same as Cleanup Location: Free Event. 3rd Quarter CIP Update. The mission of the Pacifica Department of Public Works is: to provide maintenance and repair of the city's infrastructure in an efficient and cost-effective manner while providing. The new requirements go into effect August 5, 2022. CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) COVID-19: RESOURCES; City Council. Capital Improvement Plan FY 2020/21 - 2024/25. Contra Costa County is within the jurisdiction of two Water Boards – San Francisco Bay Water Board and the Central Valley Water Board. 510-724-9839. The wastewater collection system includes approximately 49 miles of City-owned gravity sanitary sewers, 565 manholes, 2 lift stations, less than a mile of pressure force mains, and about 5,340 laterals. Please bring proof of residency. No trailers/no side rails on pickups. us. Illegal Dumping. Street Sweeping Schedule. The City of Pinole is dedicated to being a livable city for all. The FY 2021/22 budget included new staff positions in Community Development, Public Works, Fire, and City Clerk. The City of Pinole is a government agency serving the residents and businesses of this city. Email: Email. Discussions are encouraged regarding a multimodal transportation plan as several other cities in the county have adopted a similar plan to help secure grants for pedestrian safety and improved transportation. (925) 646-5225. us. San Pablo bay and Pinole Creek provide important habitat for a diverse flora and fauna. City Government Public Works Bids and RFPs The City is using Public Purchase TM for its bid documents. Access to bid documents at Public Purchase TM is free. Agendas and Minutes; 2020-2025 Strategic Plan; Elections Information; Council Teambuilding WorkshopsThe City of Pinole’s Wastewater Department is constituted as an enterprise fund. Contact Information. If residents have questions about their utility connections and services, the City encourages them to contact Jamie Aldred, Interim Public Works Specialist, at 510-724-9018. Chapter 12. The City is focused on clean water programs that support the. Be advised that it can take up to 4 weeks for PG&E to get the request into their schedule. Pinole Residents only. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. Please report any clogged storm drain inlets to the Public Works Department at (510) 724-9010 or email us at PublicW[email protected] Information. pinole. Contact Information. CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) COVID-19: RESOURCES; City Council. If you see a City tree that is unsafe or damaged, or if you are uncertain whether the tree is the property of the City of Pinole, please call the Public Works Department at (510) 724-9010. In general it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain the v-ditches on their property. Wastewater Treatment Plant. Caltrans standard plans are also available electronically. 2nd Quarter CIP Update. The Public Works Department oversees the maintenance of parks, vehicles and public buildings. Permits for Work in Right-of-Way. pinole. CITY OF PINOLE BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: 10:00 am (Pacific Standard Time) on October 25, 2021 BIDS TO BE OPENED AT: City of Pinole, City Hall 2131 Pear Street Pinole, CA 94564 PLACE OF BID RECEIPT: Department of Public Works Attn: Misha Kaur, Sr. The City of Pinole’s Wastewater Department provides for collection and treatment of sanitary sewage within the city limits of Pinole. Littering is illegal dumping on a small scale. Pinole Public Works Department is located at 2131 Pear St in Pinole, California 94564. Construction: The City of Pinole awarded a contract to MCK Services for the project. Develop detailed final plans, specifications and cost estimates. Republic Services also provides recycling services in Pinole. You are required to maintain any trees. Coordinate any required utilities relocations and right-of-way acquisitions. pinole. ca. CITY HALL; City Manager’s Department; 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 - Map Tel: (510) 724-9000 - Fax: (510) 724-9826; Email: [email. The. In case or a car accident where debris is left on the street like glass, please contact Public Works at (510) 724-9010 we will send our. To assist with the application process, refer to the Checklist of Basic Requirements – please review the checklist prior to submitting your permit application. After hours please call Pinole Police non-emergency (510) 724-1111. us. Board of Equalization. The Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Commission (TAPS) is dedicated to protecting the citizens and pedestrians of Pinole. For additional information, contact the Jamie. Contact Information. Contact Information. The City of Pinole is located in a low flood zone. Republic Services is the franchised waste hauler in Pinole. Preparation of traffic control plans requires compliance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control. The City of Pinole is responsible for the repair and maintenance of approximately 52. Pinole-Hercules WPCP works with businesses and institutions to limit discharges of harmful substances to the sewer system. 2131 Pear Street. San Pablo Avenue is a four-lane regional arterial through western Contra Costa County that connects Pinole with the City of San Pablo to the south and City of Hercules to the north. The City of Pinole works with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program to focus attention on achieving improvements to the overall health of our water systems. 1st Quarter CIP Update. Payment of the $201 fee can be made by utilizing the credit card authorization form. The City's public infrastructure and assets. GOALS. Adult Protective ServicesSTORM DRAINS AND V-DITCHES. [email protected]. Please schedule appointments by contacting (1) Building and (2) Fire: 1. Many substances can interfere with the treatment operations at the plant, pass through. ca. A CAAP will also bring the City into compliance with the state’s GHG reduction targets. The project will include installation of advanced warning signs on south end of Appian Way, pavement striping and markings, and high visibility crosswalks. Please read a Litter Letter written by a City Volunteer.