Blood Cup; Mysterious Cup; Sorrow Cup; Hearty Cup; Water Cup; Universal cup; Mechanical Cup; Community. It's known that back then in the old game Govan's sister had it. Help; FANDOM. Lag-inatroll is a decent fighter troll with funny stats and animations. The only drawback is trading. Not the last time btw. Turn Angle No Scope: Same as 360 No Scope but does more damage. A large blue troll with both it's legs missing. toxic toss - Acid Refuge throws a barrel of toxic waste, which then explodes into a bunch of toxic puddles. Rewards the tag Spooktober enjoyer. Oil-Man has four attacks, these being:. This Troll was expensive at the time,so many people were trading him or overpricing for him. The Ruler. If you use it, it gives you Melted Man or Heaven's Stairway Troll. Meme Troll - Valuable unob, not the best in pvp (For Now) Trading (No Longer Works) Trading with the trader and 50/50 chance of. Shatter Shock Creates a large AOE shock wave that can hit a player in its radius and has a 3-second cooldown, does 150 damage. Purity. Other players/bosses can deal damage to this health with their moves. Try clicking on the picture, it’s bigger than you think. There is no trollcoins,but you need some robux to buy all the items in the shop. Mout was deleted in the Purity Update. sorry for video wait again, this always happens (govan stop uploading updates at 1 am!!!)0:00 Light Mode0:24 Dark Mode0:40 Phase 2Lag Commander is the more powerful variant of Lag-inatroll, It is staff only. Giga Troll; King troll; Boombox supporter; Diverser; Street Fighter; Cups. This server World of Trollge (fan made server)…Thank you for the kind donation fellow troll! Enjoy the boombox troll! :) Obtained by acquiring a Donator cup by either buying one in Sardiception's Cup Dealership for 50 robux or trading for it and then drinking it. Trollge Over Pain has three phases which are activated automatically after a player reaches 0% HP, this increases the overall health of Trollge Over Pain and will grant buffs to certain abilities. It has five attacks,. Night Crawler is more challenging than the others, dealing the most damage and having the most health. FANDOM. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. He leaves behind big, black square-shaped orbs, which each deal 100 damage. The cup has an. Piston Jump Launches you into the air also bringing you forward and making the ground break when you land. 1 Cups and Trolls: 1. Thank you for the kind donation fellow troll! Enjoy the shiny boombox troll :) Read More. 1. The shop is one of the areas in world of trollge. Other than cups,there is also boss tokens and some merch to also buy with. Purity is a supportive troll, only having healing effects. Transformation The Troll looks at the handle and then touches the red. The World. T3 is a somewhat rare troll with 4 attacks and 2,200 health, requiring a T3 Clock to get, and even then, it's still somewhat rare, having a 40% chance to be gotten from it. . Trolldier has four attacks, these being: Rocket. Oil-Man is a some what rare troll, requiring four Mysterious Cups and four Oil Cups to craft Super Oil, drinking Super Oil will give you Oil-Man at 50% chance. Jase's WOT tier list. Drinking it for one of the given trolls. Ki bank is located right to the right of the house. Giga Troll; King troll; Boombox supporter; Diverser; Street Fighter; Cups. Jokster is one of 3 trolls available from the Mysterious Cup. WORLD OF TROLLGE! (abbreviated as WoT or WoT!) is a game on Roblox created by ForthLoyalty. your not getting the game link dont ask meStreet Fighting Troll - Good for close ranged pvp, can be upgraded with a relic. Value []. The Meme cup is an limited/unobtainable cup that was only obtainable for 2 weeks by trading with the trader at 50/50 chance. There is a dodge counter on the right of your screen. ( meme troll only) Spooktober enjoyer - Given to player that played the game during the time the Halloween event was. Wiki Article. Sans has 500 hp, however it has a passive that dodges any moves until it wears off (12 Dodges) and then you take damage. Giga Troll; King troll; Boombox supporter; Diverser; Street Fighter; Cups. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. How much is meme troll worth? 7 night ess (10% chance people will accept this) 13 night ess. Chilldude63's. Fandom Muthead Futhead Fanatical Follow Us. ChillDude63 · 4/26/2023. Artificial Divinity is a troll that is obtained from the Universal Cup at a 2/3 chance. Mout was a troll that was obtainable by drinking a Sorrow Cup at a 1/5 chance. Uses [] Drink for one of the listed trolls Crafting Dark Orb with 2 sorrow cups and 4 mysterious cups at the dark altar near the. This move is an escape move where you melt into the ground and boosts your walk speed by a very noticeable amount, you turn invisible while you’re melted and you cannot be hit by any other attack. LightForce (⬜) You summon a giant glowing ball and slam it into the ground in front of you, doing 400 damage and tripping players hit by the ball. Help; FANDOM. Ray of Hope only has 1 attack: drive through (no cooldown) - RoH grabs a car and rides it throughout the map. The legs. Unreceived:H A fast jump with very good range. Good against other players and distracting Bosses. 15 night ess + lag ina + venus. He will then throw the target into the air, dealing a total of 460 damage and stunning the enemy for a. The game is similar to Trollge Conventions and Trollge Universe Incident. ForalkanBoi · 6/10/2022. This troll does not appear to have a known origin in any Trollge Incident videos online, so it appears to be original content. The third is Boiling Stars. Hearty cup is currently the 2nd obtainable cup from the Red Tree in the forest. Help; FANDOM. It can obtained by talking to the upgrader guy with Street Fighting Troll equipped and a holding out a streetfighting_relic. Nights Essence is used as a major currency in trading for unobtainable trolls. The World (Also referred as simply Dio) is an unobtainable troll which can be obtained by an Arrow. It is a blue cup filled with oil and has rings at the top and bottom of the cup. MidasTouch69 · 4d in General. ⬛⬜ Changes which form you are currently using. Roblox World Of Trollge Wiki Community Page. Move-set. Enlightened Troll is a powerful troll from Nights Essence at 3/10 chance. It. Crazy Trollge is the most common boss in the game. Lag-inatroll was obtainable during the 2022 April Fools event, as well as the 2023 April Fools event. 15 night ess (yes) 15 night ess + lag ina. The Dev troll, HP: 700/700 Comes Out from the Dev Handle How to get Dev Handle? It's at the right of the bank, Near the Sorrow Cup and Mystery. The way of the void - This attack originates from Headbanger, clicking anywhere with the ability equipped summons. Enjoy the shiny boombox troll :) Type. Ki bank is used to store more trolls, functioned as a secondary inventory besides of Troll Storage. ChillDude63 · 6/5/2023. What makes this troll unique is that it has a strength meter, where if it runs out, you die. charge - Aurora Woods charges wherever he is facing. 7. The items will spawn above their body shortly after. ( Meme troll only) John pork enthusiast - Hit 1000 shots with “retro bolt action” without dying. Very fast cooldown and is very good against ranged enemies. Description []. Because of how early you can obtain Mctrolls, he's not all that powerful. Appearance []. You will be swarmed if you use this troll. You may get more information at List of Trolls . Fluffing a Duck by Kevin MacLeod htt. 1. This troll has no known attacks at the moment. . The "Arrow" item is used to get the exclusive The World troll. Whenever a boss is killed, their body will fall apart while a victory sound is heard. 5 Flaming Oil Trolls. Roblox World Of Trollge Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 4 Nights Essence and 3 Universal Cups for Pure cup or Mechanical Cup 3 Flaming Oils and 5 Hearty Cups for Pure cup or. Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video. Earn this Badge in: --dead version-- World of Trollge [OLD]. 2. HAPPY EASTER!!!!!! have a nice day :). It is the most powerful troll in the game. Mctrolls is a low-powered troll meant for newer players to obtain and fight with. Blood Cup; Mysterious Cup; Sorrow Cup; Hearty Cup; Water Cup; Universal cup; Mechanical Cup; Community. duality is a troll obtained from drinking a nights essence with a 1/10 chance. Is tradeable. It is used to spawn all 3 Bosses ( Crazy Trollge, Tech Overlord, and Night crawler) but, you cannot use a boss token during a boss battle. Crazy Trollge is one of the three Bosses found in World of Trollge. 1 Tier Lists! 2 Nights essence; 3 Sorrow Cup; Explore properties. Submerged is a blinded troll, and a troll that is good for PVP. It also plays a special animation if the player types and enters in the chat, "/e victoryroyale". 6K views 1 year ago Hey yoo, today's video im gonna showcase. Boss tokens can be put in item storge and, can be traded. The One is an unobtainable troll which can only be obtained by admin panel. First,you need an Empty cup, to fill up the empty full of hearty. 9 Administrator trolls. Uses. 7. Slash: Casually swings its sword doing about 100 damage. Description. Decent in trading. King troll currently has 4 moves and they are: Sceptor - When used, King troll thrusts his scepter forward, firing a beam. Holotroll: Advanced is an extremely buffed version of Holotroll and it is admin+ only. The blinded troll needs help. Oct. (Mout upgrades)Mout Drippy is also a buffed version of the normal mout. Each form has 2 attacks. The shop is a shop where you could buy Cups,Boss tokens,and merch you could wear on your avatar. Product Spawns a product (a troll figure) that chases and attacks. Stabs a player dealing [unknown] damage. Very valuable in trading. The steampunk troll will use a wrench to summon a turret. If he succeeds, he will smack the goofy out of em while they cry like a baby, dealing 316 damage. " state, since it is almost impossible to change the state of a dropped item. Bosses are big enemy type creatures that have a 50% chance to attack the server every 20 minutes. Trollge among us loud: 7481204411 2. Mout drippy is deleted,and will never come back as there is too much bugs on mout itself. Trollge Over Pain is one of the available trolls in the game which can be obtained from the Sorrow Cup with a 1/4 chance. He has a second phase to make up for this low power. After using the clock, open the " Item Storage " and click. When it does, it will spawn in the forest. Also used for trader's deals in the Red Tree. Help; FANDOM. Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. They then unsheathe their sword and send glowing slashes of light at enemy players and deals 30 damage per slash explosion, deals 90 damage if you get a direct hit, totals to around 210. Roblox World Of Trollge, Boombox Troll Showcase (All 10 Songs) Baker. Headbanger. The Trolldier appears to have the clothes and helmet as the Soldier from the famous game TF2 with the except of having a Troll Face head. Roblox World Of Trollge Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. However, if you DO have Easter troll, give it a shot. Acid Refuge is one of 3 trolls you can obtain by drinking a Mysterious Cup. The anvil to craft the arrow was near the edge of the forest by the remains of the lodge when it was obtainable. 1. Rock Throw You throw a. Trollge Fnf - Sadness: 6939922062 3. Familiar Energy Summons a red ball that can bounce off of walls and other players, that creates a small explosion on impact which will knock back other players and deals 160 damage. Flaming Oil is crafted using 1 Nights essence, 1 Mysterious Cup, and 3 Oil Cups. ForalkanBoi · 5/9/2022 in General. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Roblox World of Trollge Wiki! This is a Wikipedia page for a Roblox game called World of Trollge . The cup itself looks like a metallic, red-tinted cup containing a glowing orange liquid emitting. 3 Universal Cup Trolls. The shop is a store where you could buy many stuff. However, you can also fill up this cup with either water or hearty liquid from the red tree challenges. This is actually surprisingly simple to do, all you need to do is use the clock, if it fails the glitch will succeed, if the clock gives you time traveler it will still give you the clock in the " Ticking. Boiling Stars is a troll found in World of Trollge. Even then, there's a 50 percent chance you'll get it instead of a Mechanical Cup. The Knight Troll is one of the two medieval troll in the game currently, the other one being King Troll. Lag-inatroll is a troll found inside of World of Trollge. It has a different animation pack than the regular troll, a slightly faster walkspeed, and 243 more health. It has 1000 health. . The World (Also referred as simply Dio) is an unobtainable troll which can be obtained by an Arrow. Headbanger is one of 3 trolls to be acquired using the Blood cup, the Headbanger appears to have 3 heads, 2 arms (without hands) and one single stub/tail he uses to go around (he doesn't have legs) For some reason, probably balancing, the Headbanger is not nearly as big as it normally is, or as strong as it normally is, being. These can stack for huge damage if used correctly. Assualtdrippy Whenever.