Chapter 739 Secs. About the General Statutes. 29-250 to 29-449:. 45a-578 to 45a-590: Disclaimer of Property: Chapter 802h Secs. Absentee voting procedures. 484; 235 C. 13a-41. the index to the general statutes of connecticut, revision of 1958, revised to january 1, 2023. 29-221 to 29-230: Operators of Cranes or Hoisting Equipment: Chapter 540 Secs. A. The following terms, as used in this chapter, chapter 157 and sections 9-51 to 9-67, inclusive, 9-169e, 9-217, 9-236 and 9-361, shall have the following meanings:. Title 2c Chapters 28 to 28a. 21a-13 to 21a-90; Chapter 418 - Uniform Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. A. (Return to List of Titles)Sec. 10-265bb. 21-148 (see sec. Sections 46-13 to 46-30, inclusive, of the general statutes of Connecticut, revision of 1958, revised to 1972, shall continue to apply to any action for divorce, dissolution of a marriage, annulment or legal separation in which a decree has been rendered and in which an appeal is pending or in which the time for taking an appeal had not expired. File 240 AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRESENTATION OF A CARRY PERMIT. Annotations to former section 45-186:PART I FIDUCIARIES' RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN GENERAL. Chapter 815j Secs. Sec. 4b-130 to 4b-136. Chapter 919 Secs. 19a-250 to 19a-268. Definitions. Definitions. or an individual authorized under the general statutes or. Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the board of education which has jurisdiction over the schools in any town (1) with a total population, as defined in subdivision (7) of. The members of both chambers serve two-year terms,. The inland wetlands and watercourses of the state of Connecticut are an indispensable and irreplaceable but fragile natural resource with which the citizens of the state have been endowed. Office of State Ethics. Title 2a Chapters 24 to 25. Portion to be used for Medicaid claims. 08-184 amended Subsec. Sec. Erasure of criminal records. Connecticut Constitution Title 1. 45a-562 to 45a-567: Durable Power of Attorney: Chapter 802f Secs. Subregistrars. 52-504 to 52-514. Sec. Sec. 46b-120 to 46b-159. Auditors of Public Accounts ( See Chapter 23) Chapter 50 Secs. to add references to Whiting Forensic Division facilities of Connecticut Valley Hospital and to Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services, effective June 21, 2000; P. (a)(1) Premiums of insurance, taxes and assessments paid by the mortgagee, (2) assessments levied by an association, as defined in section 47-202, and related attorney's fees and costs that are. Acts: All. (Formerly Sec. Sec. Sec. 43 CS 457. Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 376 Physical Therapists Sec. 5-142 to 5-151. Chapter 963 Sec. Any animal control officer or regional animal control officer appointed pursuant to section 22-328, 22-331 or 22-331a, as applicable, or any law enforcement officer may interfere to prevent any act of cruelty upon any dog or other animal, and any person who interferes with or obstructs or resists any. 10a-201 to 10a-220. Chapter 65 Secs. 10a-109t. 2020 Connecticut General Statutes. Sec. 6. 55 C. Click Click Document Name link in search results (e. The Governor shall appoint thirteen members to the Connecticut State Apprenticeship Council, each of whom shall have some association with apprentice training. 12-119. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Notice to nonresident party. 52-485 to 52-494. Telephone, Gas, Power and Water Companies. 9 CA 686; 22 CA 88. (a) Sections 33-600 to 33-998, inclusive, shall be so construed as to provide for a general corporate form for the conduct of lawful business with such variations and modifications from the form so provided as the interested parties may agree upon, subject to the interests of the state and third parties. 31-122). Chapter 248. enters Connecticut into the Counseling Compact, which provides General Assembly and Legislative Agencies. 51-127 to 51-138. Cited. 53-202a as that statute. Connecticut State Office of State Ethics. Wherever in the general statutes the word “county” is used to establish or refer to venue for the Superior Court, such word “county” shall be construed to mean a judicial district established pursuant to section 51-344. Operation of Retail Service Stations. Connecticut General Statutes. United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs or successor to be a party in interest. Appeals to board of assessment appeals. Selected Statutes: Chapter 246. Office of Consumer Counsel. 53-10a. Mandamus, Ne Exeat, Prohibition and Quo. Selected Statutes: Chapter 815j - Dissolution of Marriage, Legal Separation. Cited. Sec. , 374; 111 C. (a)(1) The Claims Commissioner shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the General Assembly to serve for a term of four years from the first day in July in the year of his or her appointment and until his or. Traffic Control and Highway Safety. Chapter 920 Secs. Principally, it: 1. Chapter 167 Secs. Sec. 42a-2-101 to 42a-2-725: Sales: Article 2A Secs. 168 C. Crimes Involving Credit Cards, Scanning Devices or Reencoders. Landlord's responsibilities. 1-7, 10, 12) senate bill no. 21a-91 to 21a-125; Chapter 420b - Dependency-Producing Drugs. Contingent Transactions. (c) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, each member of the Municipal Employees' Retirement Fund who retires prior to January 1, 2002, and has not attained age sixty-five shall receive on July 1, 2002, and on July first of each subsequent year a cost of living increase equal to two and one-half per cent. 66. Education Evaluation and Remedial Assistance. Former Secs. 52-532). Validity of securities. 10-15d. A. Sec. GENERAL. 577. Bulletin (7/17) List of Bills Passed (7/13) File Copies: All. 19-189 amended Subsec. 21a-126 to 21a-134: Retail Drug Control Act: Chapter 419a Secs. Prior regulations continued. As used in this section and sections 7-294b to 7-294e, inclusive: (1) "Academy" means the Connecticut Police Academy; (2) "Applicant" means a prospective police officer who has not commenced employment or service with a law. 2c-1 to 2c-21) Review and Termination of Governmental. HTM) By Subject . 418; 105 C. Motor Vehicles. Legal review of police policies and practices of Division of State Police. 17a-300 to 17a-339: Department of Aging and Disability Services (See Chapter 319l) Chapter 319e Secs. 45-58). As used in sections 45a-186c, 45a-202 to 45a-208, inclusive, and 45a-242 to 45a-244, inclusive, unless otherwise defined or unless otherwise required by the context, “fiduciary” includes an executor, administrator, trustee,. 4-24 to 4-37v. Connecticut Justice Commission: Chapter 538 Secs. Connecticut Housing Finance Authority Act: Chapter 135 Secs. Connecticut General Statutes: Selected statutes: Chapter 420f - Palliative Use of Marijuana. 38a-305 to 38a-399: Property and Casualty Insurance: Chapter 700a Secs. 4-41 defined “regulations” as “designed to implement, interpret or prescribe law or to establish the general policy of such department or agency”; not mandatory that such. Notwithstanding the provisions of the general statutes or any special act, charter, special act charter, home rule ordinance or local law, two or more municipalities may jointly perform any function that each municipality may perform separately under any provisions of the general statutes or of any special act, charter or home rule ordinance by. ) is unofficial and is provided for the convenience of the public. Chapter 947 Secs. 45-43). Cited. 2019 Connecticut General Statutes Title 47a - Landlord and Tenant Chapter 832 - Summary Process Section 47a-23 - (Formerly Sec. Electric Cooperative Act. Statutes Index. Short title: Connecticut Limited Liability Company Act. Title 2b Chapters 26 to 27. 12-256 to 12-263. 52-98. Stats. Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or public or special act granting the Commissioner of Education the authority to waive provisions of the general statutes, the Commissioner of Education shall not limit the authority of parents or guardians to provide. 20-570 to 20-639; Chapter 417 - General Provisions. 334; 93 C. Committee of Concern for Connecticut Jobs ( Repealed) Chapter 571 Secs. 46-3). Qualification of jurors. Sec. 9-9 to 9-11: Congressional, Senatorial and Assembly Districts: Chapter 143 Secs. accordance with section 8-218 of the general statutes. Except as otherwise provided by statute, the provisions of the general statutes concerning procedures relating to regular elections shall apply. Does not run in favor of husband as statutory trustee of wife. 52-484. prohibits outpatient surgical facilities and certain hospitals from employing a person to provide surgical technology services unless the person meets specified training or experience requirements (§ 1); 2. person has been embalmed or prepared in accordance with the Public Health Code and applicable provisions of the general statutes, a licensed embalmer or funeral director may authorize an. 51-140). Search Statutes and Public Acts. A. Selected Statutes: Sec. 1-1 to 1-3b. Form. Taxation of Interest on Certain Obligations of the State of Connecticut. View our newest version here. 267. Sec. Federal termination notice. Construction and Alterations of State Buildings. Statutory agent for service. 46b-40 to 46b-89. 25-102t to 25-102z: Oil Spill Containment: Chapter 477c Secs. 5-152 to 5-192mm. I, Secs. Statutes Indexes /. 45a-607. (a)(1)(A) On and after January 1, 2022, and notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, there shall be held in each municipality, biennially, a municipal election on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November of the odd-numbered years, except that such municipal election may be held. 42-144 to 42-150t. (a) When the owner or lessor, or the owner's or lessor's legal representative, or the owner's or lessor's attorney-at-law, or in-fact, desires to obtain possession or occupancy of any land or building, any apartment in any building,. Repairs. Name. Id. How to Find Connecticut Statutes Online. As used in this chapter: (1) “Contractor” means any person regularly offering to the general public services of such person or such person's employees in the field of electrical work, plumbing and piping work, solar work, heating, piping, cooling and sheet metal work, fire protection sprinkler systems work, elevator installation, repair. 38 CS 13. 8. 33-218 to 33-242. 8 - Jurisdiction of the Courts Over Guardianship. Search the General Statutes. A. 10-265cc. The Connecticut General Assembly has power to amend or repeal all or part of sections 34-243 to 34-283d, inclusive, at any time, and all limited liability companies and foreign limited liability companies subject to sections 34-243 to 34-283d, inclusive, are governed by such amendment or repeal. 169 C. A. gov. Purposes, powers and reports. Sec. This is a criminal offense punishable by a term of imprisonment of not more than one year, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars or. (a) to substitute “Probate Court” for “court of probate” and add reference to Sec. Id. Sec. (4) Notwithstanding any other law or regulation, any claim brought under this subsection, section 31-68 as it relates to gratuities as part of the minimum wage or section 31-62-E3 of the regulations of Connecticut state agencies filed after September 24, 2022, shall be adjudicated, solely, under section 31-60-2 of the regulations of Connecticut. General education core of courses. Chapter 815o Secs. CGA Daily Records for Thursday, July 13, 2023. 10-160 to 10-183a. A. Connecticut's wrongful death statute compared with that of North Carolina, which is based on Lord Campbell's Act. Qualifying patient not subject to arrest, prosecution or certain other penalties. Appointment. Sec. 7-535 to 7-544: Local Capital Improvement Fund: Chapter 116c Secs. Connecticut Student Loan Foundation. Partition or Sale of Real or Personal Property. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, rate period, the commissioner shall increase the inflation adjustment for rates made in accordance with subsection (p) of section 17-311-52 of the regulations of Connecticut state agencies to update allowable fiscal year 2001 costs to include a one and one-half per cent inflation factor, except that.